Concern regarding bee health is a global issue. Threats to bee health and what can be done to mitigate these threats is an extremely broad topic and there are several North American and global agencies dedicated to more specific facets of that topic.

Listed below are just a few of these agencies.

Global Initiative for Honeybee Health (GIHH)

“The Global Initiative for Honey bee Health (GIHH) is an international collaboration of researchers, beekeepers, farmers, industry and technology companies set up to research the threats to bee health in order to better understand bee colony collapse and find solutions that will help secure crop pollination.”

Visit GIHH

Honey Bee Health Coalition

“Our mission is to collaboratively implement solutions that will help to achieve a healthy population of honey bees while also supporting healthy populations of native and managed pollinators in the context of productive agricultural systems and thriving ecosystems.”

Visit the Coalition

Bee Informed

“The Bee Informed Partnership is dedicated to working with beekeepers to better understand which management practices work best. We gather survey data from thousands of beekeepers every season to understand how different management practices affect honey bee health, and we report our findings back to the industry.”

Visit Bee Informed